FileTime is a small and cute batch tool that will help you to change all the times and dates in any set of files and/or folders in one single operation. The program can change the creation, modification, and last access dates of Windows files and folders selected following your indications.
In order to help you to narrow down your search or simply to perform a more accurate selection process, FileTime comes with a "File filter" that you can use to select various files that fit the same criteria. This filter supports wildcards, and you can use them to select files with the same extension, or files and folders with some specific character string in their names. The program will tell you the number of files and folders that match your query, and will show you the three dates and times of the first in the list. You can then decide which dates and times you would like to change, and here is where the program can show all its potential. Dates and times can be updated separately, so that you may want to change the creation date and the last access time only, or the three dates, or the three times, or all data at once. Whatever changes you need the program to make, these can apply only to the files and folders selected, or just to folders, or to every file and folder found in any of the subfolders contained in the various folders selected.
Regardless of the operation you ask FileTime to perform, it is important that you keep in mind that changes cannot be reverted. FileTime will not perform any backup of the files involved, nor does it contain any "undo" button that you can use to rollback any changes.